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How to Make Shatter | How to Make THC Wax Shatter Concentrates

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To make shatter, you'll need a few tools and some basic skills. First, you'll need a clean and sterile workspace. This helps prevent contamination and ensures a smooth process. Next, gather your materials: cannabis buds, a hair straightener or flat iron, parchment paper, and a cold room or freezer. Now you're ready to start.

Essential Materials and Equipment

This cannabis concentrate is called shatter. It requires an ounce of dry, finely ground cannabis to begin.

You will also need an extraction tube. It is vital for butane extraction. Fill the tube with cannabis. Then, saturate it with butane. It's a solvent that extracts the cannabinoids from the plant. It is vital to put on safety gear, such as gloves and goggles, during this process to protect yourself.

Next, pour the butane-cannabis solution into a Pyrex dish. We chose Pyrex because it can handle low temperatures. It doesn't react with butane, which is key to evaporating the solvent safely. This leads to shatter formation.

Finally, a vacuum pump is needed. It will help release any residual butane that has depressurized in the shatter. This will make it safe to use. Butane can be completely removed from the shatter only for its purity and safety.

Now, if such steps are executed properly and in a safe way, they become what will lead to high-quality shatter. Use proper equipment and focus on safety for the best results.

How to Extract Cannabis Shatter Using Solvents

Begin by soaking the ground cannabis in butane. Butane aids in dissolving important compounds, such as cannabinoids, from the cannabis. This is a fundamental step in making high-quality concentrates, such as shatter. Butane is flammable. So, work in a well-ventilated area for safety.

  • Butane Evaporation

Next, you want to evaporate the butane. Typically, a double boiler is used, which gently heats up this mixture. Make sure that you remove all the butane so that the concentrate passes safety standards. Leftover butane in your shatter can really compromise purity and safety.

  • Final Purging Step

The final step is a vacuum purge. A vacuum pump will remove the remaining butane traces. This may take 36 to 72 hours, depending on your desired purity. This ensures the end product is safe while still having an acute effect.

The Rosin Press Technique for Shatter Extraction

Do you want to make shatter at home but are worried about the associated safety concerns? Good news: the rosin press method is a modern, safe way to upgrade safety. It eliminates the hazardous solvents linked to this process. This is not only safer but is actually quite simple. It works by using nothing more than heat and pressure to extract shatter.

  • Why Choose the Rosin Press Technique?

The rosin press method uses heat and pressure to extract oils from your material. This greatly reduces the chance of flammable accidents. It uses no chemicals or solvents, so it is safer for home use.

Also, it preserves the rich flavors and aromas of the cannabis. So, it produces superior, pure products.

  • Quality Over Quantity

This rosin press yield might be lower than solvent-based methods. But, it has better quality and flavor. Many users say this method produces an unmatched, pure, tasty extract. It's worth the effort.

It's a perfect case of quality over quantity. You care about the product's excellence more than its volume.

  • Getting Started with Rosin Press

Getting started is not that difficult. You can use any of the rosin presses on the market. They range from a simple manual press to more advanced hydraulic and pneumatic ones.

Each has its advantages. They all share one concept: applying pressure with heat. For a first-timer, the manual rosin press is best. It is cheap and gives you hand control. As you use it more, you may switch to a hydraulic or pneumatic press. They require less manual effort for larger quantities.

Heat and Pressure Method for Shatter Extraction

Home extraction of shatter is now a trend. Many want to use cannabis concentrates without chemicals. There's a pretty basic method of doing it using kief and just a hair straightener. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Collect Your Kief Start by collecting enough kief until you have a quarter-sized pile. Kief is the powdered, crystalline dust from cannabis flowers. It is high in cannabinoids and terpenes.

Step 2: Pressing Setup Take your kief and place it in the middle of a piece of parchment paper. Fold the paper over the kief. It must be secure to prevent any of it from escaping under pressure.

Step 3: Apply the heat plug on your hair straightener and let it heat up at the lowest temperature. Once warmed, take it and press some pressure onto the parchment paper with the folded kief on top of it. Hold this under firm pressure for about 10 seconds. This is important. The heat process extracts all the elements from the kief to make shatter.

Step 4: Safety First Use oven gloves to remove the parchment paper after pressing. This will be scalding hot, and safety always comes first to avoid burns.

Step 5: Re-press. If you find some leftover kief, re-press. Doing this may increase the amount of shatter produced.

This method creates a very concentrated, glassy substance known as shatter. A major advantage of the process is that it preserves both cannabinoid and terpene profiles. This ensures you get more flavorful and effective products.

Initiate the Post-Extraction Process for Shatter Extraction

Vacuum purge your concentrate to remove any remaining butane. This will yield a purer shatter.

First, spread your concentrate on parchment-lined trays. Then, put them in a vacuum oven. Set the oven to about 93°F. It's low enough to avoid drawing unwanted compounds into your concentrate.

  • Let It Acclimate

Before actually vacuum purging, it is essential to let the shatter sit for about 90 minutes.

This time let's concentrate settle. It helps remove the butane better. Once it is time to begin purging, turn on the vacuum. You may also wish to add nitrogen backfill at this step to prevent oxidation. It helps preserve your shatter's flavor and potency.

  • Monitoring the Purging Process

The vacuum purge can take 36 to 72 hours. It depends on how much residual solvent you are trying to remove.

This process should be taken care of very closely to achieve your desired texture and purity. Much care is required in this step because it really affects the quality of the final product. One has to be very patient.


In creating shatter, one has to be very keen on the safety aspect and the legal requirements in your area. Whether using a solvent or non-solvent method, be sure to handle all the materials with care. Know the law in your state. It ensures your activities are legal.

Proper storage and use are key to your shatter's quality and lifespan. It surely assists in preserving the potency and flavor much longer. Store it in a cool, dark place in an airtight container. This will greatly improve its shelf life.

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