Actu Chômage

14 mai
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Steroids for gaining muscle mass

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At some point, athletes ask questions about steroids. Which one is the best and best fit? What drugs are safest, but powerful? And which ones go well together?

The problem of finding steroids is puzzling athletes who have approached their natural limits in terms of muscle growth. The mainstream literature on steroids is ambiguous. In principle, modern drugs make it possible to use them as efficiently as possible and practically without harm to health, This is due to misinformation and anti-advertising, as well as the misuse of drugs.

There are actually no NEW safe steroids. best anabolic steroids The old proven steroids are much safer and better than the new ones, if only because steroid research has been funded more generously in the last century than it is now. 

Modern laboratories are working more on how to make the steroid "invisible" in tests, rather than on improving an already powerful and safe drug.

Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting drug that provides an increase in muscle mass, improves strength, reduces joint pain, stimulates the body's recovery processes and improves tone. Testover E has a pronounced androgenic activity.

Along with the rapid weight gain, the accumulation of fluid in the body is also noted. However, this is not so bad: the muscle connective membranes are stretched, as a result, the fibers have room for growth. At the end of the course, it is recommended to start taking antiestrogens and cortisol blockers.

The drugs begin to be taken 2 or 3 weeks after the end of the testosterone enanthate cycle. Testover E is one of the most actively used by athletes anabolic steroids with a high level of impact. The drug gives good results in combination with other drugs. It is combined with methane, decanoate, trenbolone and other equally effective means.

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